Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Foreigner Makes a Good Impression

One friend told me a story about a foreigner making a bad impression. On his last day in Taiwan, he thought he would have some fun. So he walked into 7-11 naked to buy a pack of cigarettes. It was caught on tape and became a big deal, but this foreigner was long gone and could care less. For a better impression, see the linked article. The foreigner here happens to be a friend of mine.

American contest winner serves as ‘commissioner for a day’ in Lienchiang

More New Photos

Check out my latest photos which include cycling in Taipei and my trip to Gaoxiong.

October Prayer Letter

Here is my prayer letter from a couple of weeks ago:

Greetings, my friends. It's time for the next chapter in the story of
God's faithfulness. Here is my latest prayer letter. Enjoy!

You can also view some highlights of my time in Taiwan at the
following link:

We should not trust in any thing in the world. It is only in the
Creator that we should trust. This is a difficult lesson for me to
learn. For I often want to trust in money or the world’s definition
of success. When I was searching for job in August, I was tempted to
worry to about the future rather than live each day loving God and
living for him. In such times, I am reminded that we need to be in
relationship with God everyday. We need to depend on him one day at a

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’…But seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow… (Matthew 6:31-34)

In those days, I tried to live for God as I waited to find the right
job. Likewise, I have had to depend on God for my finances. Even
though I now have a job, my first paycheck will not arrive until the
end of this month. There have been times I did not know how I was
going to make it. God knew, and he has provided timely gifts in just
the right measure. This has happened so that I might depend not on
money but on God. Thus I continue to learn to depend on God each and
every day.

A lot has happened in the last couple of months. I have made good
progress in my study of the Chinese language; although I am often
reminded of how feeble my speaking ability is. At a wedding of a
friend in Kaohsiung this past weekend, I was the only white face.
This was good motivation for me to continue learning, as my
communication ability is still so limited. I have developed some
friendships both in the community and in the church. Pray for my
friend who gave me a place to stay for a couple months – he is in a
kind of mid-life crisis. May he find meaning in Jesus. Also pray for
the formation of a small group or men’s group at my English-speaking
church. Lastly, pray that I might have more opportunities to share
the good news of Jesus with those I meet. I now have my own
apartment. It is in the famous Shilin night market. So it is very
crowded with lots of road-side vendors. An American school has hired
me as a dedicated substitute teacher, sponsoring my visa. This really
is a good position for me. It is not too demanding, so I can spend
more time studying Chinese. Yet it should be enough to cover my
expenses. Praise God for his faithfulness and his patience in my

You can send tax-deductible contributions for me to:
China Institute
PO Box 7312
Charlottesville, VA 22906