Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An English-language Bible Study

On Sunday I visited an English-language Bible study sponsored by a Mandarin-language church near Shi Da, the Normal University. Someone I met in Boston encouraged me to visit this group, so I did. The group consisted of mostly Taiwanese students, and a Taiwanese American. They spoke better English than most people I’ve met, albeit somewhat mixed with Mandarin. The group seemed spiritually hungry as far as I could tell from our simple Bible study about the original sin of Adam and Eve. It seemed I was able to make a good contribution to the group for one night.

Please pray with me if I should have some role in this group. What leadership there is in the group is now intermittent. This may be just the right ministry for me, similar to what I did last year in Boston but in a new context. I saw God do great things in the student ministry in the last year, and I do see God may be leading toward such a ministry in the future. Also, this would not be to enormous a task when put alongside my English teaching and Mandarin learning. It would be much more manageable than another ministry opportunity I encountered, someone asked me to pastor a 70-person church. Now I think that would be too much with all my other goals for this year. Pray for discernment and guidance I look for places of fellowship, ministry, work, and residence.

1 comment:

  1. Doug, You'll be zipping around town in no time. God is surely leading you to great things. Blessings, Dave
