Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Days in Taipei

I am now finally getting settled in Taipei. Praise God! It has been some time in leading up to this, beginning perhaps in March '08 when I began praying for the church in China. Now, suffice it to say, I am here.

When I left Boston last Friday, I had little certainty about anything. It seemed I had lost my first place to stay due to the swine flu scare and I still had no job. It was somewhat frightening to be going to this foreign land with so many unanswered questions. But everything was already in motion, I had to trust in God to provide.

The day before I arrived Wright with China Institute managed to find me a place to stay temporarily with a wonderful Christian family in central Taipei. Having arrived on Friday I began Mandarin classes on Monday. So now I have had three whole days of class, three hours a day of private instruction. I have learned quite a lot already, but my diaphragm is sore from trying to learn the tones. One China missionary once said you need lungs of brass and the wisdom of Solomon to learn this language. We shall see. With God's help, it is possible.

I am now in a new place. I can settle in here for at least a month, and hey, it's free. So now I need to work hard on my Mandarin, seek the Lord's guidance in finding a job and Christian fellowship, and try to adapt to this new culture.

You may also see my latest photos at the following link: photos.


  1. Doug !

    I'm so glad to see that you've settled in Taipei despite a lot of difficulties. You're so GREAT !

    God bless,


  2. Doug,
    Very encouraging stuff, I'll pray that God would continue to make straight paths for you.

  3. Thanks for the update, Doug. I will keep you in prayer as you learn the language and as you continue to depend on God and what He has in store for you there. I love the're going to have to get a scooter! Blessings, brother!
