Sunday, December 20, 2009

My December Prayer Letter

I have now been in Taiwan for over six months. When I came to Taiwan, my primary goals were to learn Chinese, learn about the people and culture of Taiwan, and serve the body of Christ whilst working at some job. Undoubtedly, I have made meaningful progress in all these areas.
The learning of Chinese is not something to be taken for granted. Many students give up along the way in their pursuit of this most difficult language. To further diminish my likelihood of success, I am working while studying. Most other teachers I know cannot muster the time and energy to make any progress in studying Chinese. In my current Chinese class, all the other students study full time except for one worker who barely has time to study. In the face of such odds, God has shown me immeasurable grace and blessing. For I have a unique combination of jobs that enables me to earn enough money and still devote ample time and energy to studying. In fact, I am probably the best speaker in my present class. The other day, my girlfriend even commented that my pronunciation has become much more accurate. Truly, I have seen how God's plans surpass human expectations. Let us not forget the promise to all who follow Jesus that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."(Romans 8:28).
I am still working a couple days a week at Taipei American School as a substitute teacher. I have also begun to teach English at a private girls' high school. This has provided me a great opportunity to interact with a small group of 16-year-olds. Last Saturday, we even took a field trip to the riverside at Danshui. They were to be my English-language tour guide, introducing me to notable foods and places. A couple weeks ago we studied "The Gift of the Magi" and I talked with them about the birth of Jesus. Next week, I plan to study a Christmas song about Jesus with them. So praise God that I can do such work, and even get paid for it.
My time spent at church and with various small groups has helped me persevere amidst difficulties and hasten the coming the God's kingdom, even to Taipei. At my English-language church, the services, fellowship, and Bible study with a group of Indonesian guys has greatly encouraged me. At the English Bible study of my Chinese church, I have been focusing on basic teachings of Christianity, more specifically how does God save us and what does it mean to be a Christian. Many have misconceptions like good works save you or that baptism is equivalent to salvation. At this church, I have had the opportunity to develop a good friendship with one young man and his wife who are interning at the church. Just last week, in a surprising cultural role reversal, I helped him to see the wisdom of submitting to elders in the church in accordance with 1 Peter 5. I hope this gives you a sense of my life here and ways that you can pray for me and for the people in Taiwan.

Specifically, pray for:
*more people in Taiwan to realize the good news of Jesus Christ in their lives.
*greater growth and community in the ESL Bible study I am leading.
*the Holy Spirit to work in my high school girls' English class.
*wisdom for me to see God's direction for the coming months and year.
*continued diligence and progress in my study of Chinese.

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