Sunday, December 20, 2009

My December Prayer Letter

I have now been in Taiwan for over six months. When I came to Taiwan, my primary goals were to learn Chinese, learn about the people and culture of Taiwan, and serve the body of Christ whilst working at some job. Undoubtedly, I have made meaningful progress in all these areas.
The learning of Chinese is not something to be taken for granted. Many students give up along the way in their pursuit of this most difficult language. To further diminish my likelihood of success, I am working while studying. Most other teachers I know cannot muster the time and energy to make any progress in studying Chinese. In my current Chinese class, all the other students study full time except for one worker who barely has time to study. In the face of such odds, God has shown me immeasurable grace and blessing. For I have a unique combination of jobs that enables me to earn enough money and still devote ample time and energy to studying. In fact, I am probably the best speaker in my present class. The other day, my girlfriend even commented that my pronunciation has become much more accurate. Truly, I have seen how God's plans surpass human expectations. Let us not forget the promise to all who follow Jesus that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."(Romans 8:28).
I am still working a couple days a week at Taipei American School as a substitute teacher. I have also begun to teach English at a private girls' high school. This has provided me a great opportunity to interact with a small group of 16-year-olds. Last Saturday, we even took a field trip to the riverside at Danshui. They were to be my English-language tour guide, introducing me to notable foods and places. A couple weeks ago we studied "The Gift of the Magi" and I talked with them about the birth of Jesus. Next week, I plan to study a Christmas song about Jesus with them. So praise God that I can do such work, and even get paid for it.
My time spent at church and with various small groups has helped me persevere amidst difficulties and hasten the coming the God's kingdom, even to Taipei. At my English-language church, the services, fellowship, and Bible study with a group of Indonesian guys has greatly encouraged me. At the English Bible study of my Chinese church, I have been focusing on basic teachings of Christianity, more specifically how does God save us and what does it mean to be a Christian. Many have misconceptions like good works save you or that baptism is equivalent to salvation. At this church, I have had the opportunity to develop a good friendship with one young man and his wife who are interning at the church. Just last week, in a surprising cultural role reversal, I helped him to see the wisdom of submitting to elders in the church in accordance with 1 Peter 5. I hope this gives you a sense of my life here and ways that you can pray for me and for the people in Taiwan.

Specifically, pray for:
*more people in Taiwan to realize the good news of Jesus Christ in their lives.
*greater growth and community in the ESL Bible study I am leading.
*the Holy Spirit to work in my high school girls' English class.
*wisdom for me to see God's direction for the coming months and year.
*continued diligence and progress in my study of Chinese.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

In Christmas, Jesus is the Mountain Top

What is so special about Christmas? What makes the birth of Jesus so significant? What is so earth-shattering about a baby born to an insignificant family who spends his first days in an animal feeding box, a manger?
The life of this baby born in Bethlehem is the mountain top, the continental divide of history. All prior history prepares for his arrival, and all subsequent history is judged on the basis of its response to Jesus. At the fall of Adam, God promises the restoration of humanity that Jesus will achieve. The many sacrifices in the temple showed Israel the need for a greater, ultimate sacrifice, that is Jesus sinless body. David's short-lived rule as king made the people long for a time when God would rule the people forever. Jesus is the one to bring this eternal kingdom. Even the feeble nature of Israel's restoration from Babylonian exile demonstrated that Israel still needed ultimate restoration.
The prophets in the Old Testament longed for Jesus coming. Peter says "Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow" (1 Peter 1:10-10). Men like Moses, David, Isaiah, and Micah spoke of Jesus with expectation. They were awaiting God's salvation and the arrival of Messiah with great eagerness.
At Christmas, Jesus put on flesh, God came into history. Then he lived a pure and sinless life, died for our sins, and rose from the dead. Jesus was not merely one of many enlightened masters of the Dao, or one of many gods. For through him the world was created, and Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Jesus is the only way. The only way to eternal life has Jesus at the center. At the end of history, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord on the basis of what began with a baby born in a manger in Bethlehem.
Jesus is the mountain top, the continental divide of history. He is the center point of history. Will you recognize this and make him the center of your life as well? Or will you close your eyes to the truth and miss the wonder of God's love? The great wonder of Christmas is this: the central figure of history can become our master and best friend.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Don't put your trust in money, but put your trust in God.

"Our human nature being what it is, however, very often we find the fact of Jesus Christ is not enough to help us maintain an attitude of thanksgiving." (Terry Muck)

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....33 seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6)

God does not condemn the possession of material things. Nevertheless, God preserves some special blessings for the poor. We are not all commanded to be like Francis of Assisi who gave up literally everything, eschewing even the possession of a single book. In his first rule he says "The Friars are to appropriate nothing for themselves, neither a house, nor a place, nor anything else...they beg alms trustingly." But Jesus did command the rich young ruler to give up all his possessions and follow him. For some, material comfort becomes more important than following Jesus and living as a servant of God. So God may call you to give up this comfort. Or maybe you need to reorient your values and lifestyle so that your thoughts and actions prioritize reliance upon the Creator God and love for neighbor instead of selfishness and reliance upon wealth and created things.

Allow me to make this more concrete with some illustrations from the last couple of weeks. I sensed God was leading me to enroll in another Chinese course, not knowing at the time how I would pay for it. Thenceforth, I made plans to take this course and asked God to provide. I could not rely on my accumulated wealth; rather, I could only rely on God. A few days before the registration deadline, I received an unexpected deposit into my bank account. It turns out a girls school where I teach paid me three months of my salary after only one month of work. Thus, I received a great blessing and grew in my relationship with God because of my comparative poverty.

Now living as I have been is not always easy. Especially when the world, the old man within us, and even the church, base our worth on economic viability. Sure, people will treat me well enough in my current situation. Yet, if God called you to step out in faith, would you be willingly to give up your comfortable life? What if God called you to a new city, a new job, or a new way to serve God, would you be willing to trust God to handle the tomorrows that inevitably come? Now I am not counseling recklessness; rather, be open to the Spirit of God within your life so that if and when God calls you to something difficult, you do not favor your meager plans over God's magnificent designs.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Foreigner Makes a Good Impression

One friend told me a story about a foreigner making a bad impression. On his last day in Taiwan, he thought he would have some fun. So he walked into 7-11 naked to buy a pack of cigarettes. It was caught on tape and became a big deal, but this foreigner was long gone and could care less. For a better impression, see the linked article. The foreigner here happens to be a friend of mine.

American contest winner serves as ‘commissioner for a day’ in Lienchiang

More New Photos

Check out my latest photos which include cycling in Taipei and my trip to Gaoxiong.

October Prayer Letter

Here is my prayer letter from a couple of weeks ago:

Greetings, my friends. It's time for the next chapter in the story of
God's faithfulness. Here is my latest prayer letter. Enjoy!

You can also view some highlights of my time in Taiwan at the
following link:

We should not trust in any thing in the world. It is only in the
Creator that we should trust. This is a difficult lesson for me to
learn. For I often want to trust in money or the world’s definition
of success. When I was searching for job in August, I was tempted to
worry to about the future rather than live each day loving God and
living for him. In such times, I am reminded that we need to be in
relationship with God everyday. We need to depend on him one day at a

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’…But seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow… (Matthew 6:31-34)

In those days, I tried to live for God as I waited to find the right
job. Likewise, I have had to depend on God for my finances. Even
though I now have a job, my first paycheck will not arrive until the
end of this month. There have been times I did not know how I was
going to make it. God knew, and he has provided timely gifts in just
the right measure. This has happened so that I might depend not on
money but on God. Thus I continue to learn to depend on God each and
every day.

A lot has happened in the last couple of months. I have made good
progress in my study of the Chinese language; although I am often
reminded of how feeble my speaking ability is. At a wedding of a
friend in Kaohsiung this past weekend, I was the only white face.
This was good motivation for me to continue learning, as my
communication ability is still so limited. I have developed some
friendships both in the community and in the church. Pray for my
friend who gave me a place to stay for a couple months – he is in a
kind of mid-life crisis. May he find meaning in Jesus. Also pray for
the formation of a small group or men’s group at my English-speaking
church. Lastly, pray that I might have more opportunities to share
the good news of Jesus with those I meet. I now have my own
apartment. It is in the famous Shilin night market. So it is very
crowded with lots of road-side vendors. An American school has hired
me as a dedicated substitute teacher, sponsoring my visa. This really
is a good position for me. It is not too demanding, so I can spend
more time studying Chinese. Yet it should be enough to cover my
expenses. Praise God for his faithfulness and his patience in my

You can send tax-deductible contributions for me to:
China Institute
PO Box 7312
Charlottesville, VA 22906

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Photos

Check out my album of Dorcas and I touring Taipei,

The Lord has sworn, 'Surely, as I have planned, so it will be.'

Monday was something of a day. On Friday, I had stopped my Chinese classes so I could focus on my interviews and finding a job. Therefore, this was my first day of full-time job-seeking. I began the day with an extended time reading the Bible and praying. God must have been preparing me for what lay ahead. For upon returning from lunch, I realized I had left my key inside the house along with my cell phone. Thankfully, I had my friends business card in my wallet so I could get the spare key, but this required I go across town to meet him. This shortened the time I had to get to my interview that day. Nevertheless, it seemed I would have enough time. So I got back in my house, changed clothes, and set off for the interview.

Now this journey took much longer than expected. It was much farther out, and I had to ask three or four people for directions. There were very few street signs out in this district, and those only in Chinese characters with no Romanization. One woman I asked for help offered to take me there on her scooter. This would have been quite the sight, for she already four large bags of groceries with her. I don’t know where I would have put myself on her scooter, but she still wanted to give me a ride. Suffice it to say, I made to the interview, but an hour late. Then, in my teaching demo for the interview, the children got out of control for a time. By human standards, this was a rather horrendous day.

So how do I respond? Thankfully, this day I was reminded of God’s power to achieve his purposes. God can move nations, surely he can accomplish his work where I am. Asa, king of Judah, understood this when he prayed, “LORD, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. LORD, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you” (2 Chronicles 14:11). So I will continue to trust in God to provide for me as I seek him and endeavor to be faithful to the tasks at hand. I can trust in the promise that God will accomplish his purposes, “The LORD Almighty has sworn, ‘Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen’ ” (Isaiah 14:24).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Photo Albums

FYI, you can check out my latest photos at the following link:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My July Prayer Letter

It’s been one month since I arrived in Taipei and I’m starting to make this my home. I have spent this time studying Mandarin. Truly, I am making good progress and I really get to practice what I learn with the people I meet. Only Monday, the 29th, I came back from a short trip to Singapore. I had to renew my visa and it was a good excuse to visit my girlfriend Dorcas there (picture 3). We had a wonderful time together but are sad to be apart again. Now I am back in Taipei with a 60-day visa. Hopefully, that should be enough time for me to find a job and process a work visa. I have been blessed to be living in the same place for almost a month now, and by God’s grace, I don’t have to pay for rent. So I thank God for all of this and pray that he would help me to be a blessing here.

Nevertheless, it has been challenging for me in many ways. The first thing that hit me was the language barrier. I did not know Chinese and few people know English. Once when I first came, I got hopelessly lost and could not navigate buses, ask for help, or even communicate with a taxi driver. Now I am more acclimated in that regard, but now I am struggling in the slow process of developing relationships. To some degree, I am out here on my own. So pray that God would help me to participate more fully in my church community and my Bible study (picture 2), and also to develop friendships in other contexts. In a very real sense God has been taking care of me, but please pray for me to persevere in Christ every day, not to be taken in by the devil’s temptations but to know and share abundant life in Christ (John 10:10).

I am grateful for your prayers. I know that your prayers have played a role in sustaining me thus far. Please pray for discernment in finding the right job; there are so many different positions out there and I pray God would lead me to the right one. I also pray for guidance how I might work for God’s kingdom in Taiwan, specifically with my Bible-study group.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Glory of God

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)

Is God at work in my life? Is he revealing his glory in and through me, even in my weakness? One episode this past week gives an affirmative answer to these questions. Wright had told me of a friend, Mrs. Han, living in Taipei who may help me find a university teaching job and could share about her ministry to college students. So I called this woman and left a message in English as plainly spoken as I could manage. I subsequently lost her phone number and was unable to find it from anyone else. It seemed that this contact would lead to nothing. Yet I got an email from a friend I met at the English Bible Study saying she had just met with this woman I had been trying to contact. Keep in mind that I know very few people in Taiwan at this point. This person Mrs. Han was meeting with was one of the very few people in Taiwan who had my contact information. I came up in their conversation and the friend shared my information with Mrs. Han. Now, it turns out this Bible study was at Mrs. Han’s church. She had been unable to understand the message I had left her and I had lost her phone number. I was precluded from using ordinary means to connect with Mrs. Han. So I had basically given up hope in this connection. But as it turns out, God had rendered ineffective ordinary means so that he could use extraordinary means for his glory. At this point, I would ask you to pray for God’s guidance for me in the context of this church and a potential job opportunity at a nursing college here through Mrs. Han.

This account reminds me of the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11. Mary and Martha had sought healing for a sick Lazarus; yet Jesus delayed his coming by two days. Because Jesus had delayed, the glory of Lazarus’ restoration, even resurrection from the dead, became so much more wonderful. Likewise, the means that I sought in the story above paled in comparison to the ones that God used to make his glory known.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An English-language Bible Study

On Sunday I visited an English-language Bible study sponsored by a Mandarin-language church near Shi Da, the Normal University. Someone I met in Boston encouraged me to visit this group, so I did. The group consisted of mostly Taiwanese students, and a Taiwanese American. They spoke better English than most people I’ve met, albeit somewhat mixed with Mandarin. The group seemed spiritually hungry as far as I could tell from our simple Bible study about the original sin of Adam and Eve. It seemed I was able to make a good contribution to the group for one night.

Please pray with me if I should have some role in this group. What leadership there is in the group is now intermittent. This may be just the right ministry for me, similar to what I did last year in Boston but in a new context. I saw God do great things in the student ministry in the last year, and I do see God may be leading toward such a ministry in the future. Also, this would not be to enormous a task when put alongside my English teaching and Mandarin learning. It would be much more manageable than another ministry opportunity I encountered, someone asked me to pastor a 70-person church. Now I think that would be too much with all my other goals for this year. Pray for discernment and guidance I look for places of fellowship, ministry, work, and residence.

An Experience in Culture Shock

The other day I moved to a new place in another part of Taipei, Yong He. I didn’t think anything of going to Chinese class for the first time from my new place. Well, that was my first mistake. I guess turned down the wrong street at some point. For I could not find the subway station no how much I walked. So I started to ask some people for directions. Most of them understood what I was asking. Some gave me directions in Chinese, others made gestures, or just wondered at my bewildered state. At one point, I went into an eye glass store to ask for help. Five or six of the employees gathered around me, talking to each other. Eventually, one of them pointed in some direction and I was off, mind you to no avail. I then had the idea to get on any bus, hoping it would take me to a subway station. It didn’t; it took to some bus terminal and the driver told me to get off. So I took a bus back the way came, trying to retrace my steps. Finally, I had the idea of calling a taxi to take me to a train station. I had not hailed a taxi before because I cannot explain to a taxi driver where to go. Thankfully, I was able to communicate to the second taxi driver I hailed the subway location, and I was back on track.

One of the things that caused me trouble was the similarity between the road names and their different spellings. According to one of my friends, the system used to write the Romanized spellings of the names varies according to what party is in power when the sign is erected. The KMT use one and the DPP another, hence a part of my confusion.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Days in Taipei

I am now finally getting settled in Taipei. Praise God! It has been some time in leading up to this, beginning perhaps in March '08 when I began praying for the church in China. Now, suffice it to say, I am here.

When I left Boston last Friday, I had little certainty about anything. It seemed I had lost my first place to stay due to the swine flu scare and I still had no job. It was somewhat frightening to be going to this foreign land with so many unanswered questions. But everything was already in motion, I had to trust in God to provide.

The day before I arrived Wright with China Institute managed to find me a place to stay temporarily with a wonderful Christian family in central Taipei. Having arrived on Friday I began Mandarin classes on Monday. So now I have had three whole days of class, three hours a day of private instruction. I have learned quite a lot already, but my diaphragm is sore from trying to learn the tones. One China missionary once said you need lungs of brass and the wisdom of Solomon to learn this language. We shall see. With God's help, it is possible.

I am now in a new place. I can settle in here for at least a month, and hey, it's free. So now I need to work hard on my Mandarin, seek the Lord's guidance in finding a job and Christian fellowship, and try to adapt to this new culture.

You may also see my latest photos at the following link: photos.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

I am just now starting this blog as a way of sharing an exciting time in my life with you, my friends and family. I am answering what I sense is God's call for to go to Taiwan. I am leaving this Wednesday, the 27th, and I expect to have much to share in the days to come. So check back when you can.